Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Blatant heavy taxing of our water and energy

Before we get excited, we need to understand why Premiers like John Brumby and others have got away with taxing us in this area.
Its largely because an  largely uncaring and highly hypocritical public and media have  let them argue the case. 
Think clearly about conservation and how to achieve it . There must  always be choice if our culture is to survive this destructive and crass grand design based on grand coercion.  

We must vote out these ideas , argue for their removal on the basis of where the money goes to ( not conservation - just tokens ) . Positively too - where  their continued use in proper vigilance on conservation  .
If we don't resist this way to build great big institutes of injustice and tax imputed righteousness , already rich water boards and foreign owned companies will do what they like with the money they get via this taxing triumph .They do it now 

Don't tell me you believe governments will be accountable with our money . Get proper vigilance on conservation

Thursday, January 06, 2005

More efficient but not more just

Vic and Qld andthe Canberra followers can't believe people are so unaccepting of their brilliance on matters of new judicial process.- it may be more efficient but is it just .
Take this eg from QLD
The guilt of a person accused of a vegetation clearing offence under the VMA is determined not by a court but by an official. (The judicial trials mandated by Division 3 have no application to vegetation clearing offences under the VMA). If an authorised officer issues a compliance notice, a failure to comply without a reasonable excuse results in an automatic penalty. (Maximum of 1665 penalty units or $ 116,550 - s.55) The innocuous term ‘compliance notice’ masks what is actually a straightforward conviction and sentence without trial.

The greatest evil is being done in the name of the environment .
Adrress the issue before sound environemental gains get thrown into the "too hard basket" see dogood blogspot

Friday, December 03, 2004

Will governments ever get it right

They say nothing changes . Men and women frustrated with the governments waste of the taxation dollar on the environment met in the shadow of the very fences of 150 years ago .